How to Keep Yourself Out of the Hospital

How to Keep Yourself Out of the Hospital

It’s said that nearly 50% of Americans are affected by nosocomephobia, which is better known as the fear of hospitals. This number shouldn’t be surprising given the fact that medical errors account for nearly 100,000 deaths each year in the United States, making up almost 10% of the total annual deaths. The causes of these medical-related fatalities can range anywhere from misdiagnoses, where a doctor fails to inform a patient of a disease that, if left untreated will lead to death, to more hands-on mistakes like surgical errors, where a doctor knicks an organ or doesn’t properly sanitize their hands or instruments and causes an infection. If you or a loved one suffer due to the negligence of a medical professional, you must seek out a medical malpractice lawyer to help you get the compensation you are owed. Of course, the thing that’s more important than any amount of money is your health. If you want to avoid long-term injury or death from medical malpractice, it’s important to take care of your health so you lower your chances of needing surgeries or treatment

Taking Care of Your Body From the Inside Out

Every bit of food that you put into your body has some kind of nutritional value and will affect your health in some way–positively or negatively. Growing up, we learn about the five food groups and how much of each we should be eating to properly nourish our bodies, but there are so many other important factors to consider besides serving size when worrying about your health. It’s recommended that you have five servings of fruit each day (including dried fruit or  100% fruit juice), but some fruits are packed full of nutritional benefits while others are full of sugar. Examples of these sugary fruits include dates, lychee, and mangoes. While they are rich in antioxidants and nutrients like vitamin C, potassium, and copper, there are plenty of other options that are lower in sugar. Instead of these, opt for something a little less sweet like grapefruit, which packs plenty of vitamin C into each serving, as well as potassium and fiber. If grapefruits are too sour, or too much of a hassle to eat, then consider reaching for grapes, strawberries, or blackberries instead. Despite their size, these small fruits are brimming with antioxidants that help boost your immune system. Lastly, you shouldn’t be surprised to hear that the fruit that’s said to keep you out of the hospital–an apple a day keeps the doctor away–is on the list of the top healthiest fruits. Apples are rich in fiber and antioxidants and are associated with a reduced risk of heart disease and certain cancers.

Keep Your Body Moving

Just as important to your health as diet is exercise. To stay healthy, it’s important to keep your body moving every day. There’s a saying in the health community regarding muscles that as you age you have to ‘move it or lose it.’ What this means is that, if you aren’t regularly moving and exercising certain muscles then over time they’ll grow weaker until they can’t be used at all. This is why it’s so important to stay active as you get older. Most health professionals recommend that you should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day like running, biking, or dancing. Try grabbing a friend and going for a run or a brisk walk along the Fox River Trail, that way you can take in some beautiful natural sights while you exercise. It is also recommended that throughout the week you also dedicate time to strength training–which can be as simple as lifting weights, or something a little more fun like rock climbing or swimming with resistance. Exercising regularly keeps your muscles working properly, but also reduces your risk for heart disease and metabolic issues.

Stop Stressing

Stress is something that can negatively impact both your mental and physical health, which is why it’s so crucial to keep your stress levels in check. If you are stressed out too often it can cause headaches, anxiety, nausea, or an upset stomach. If this continues over a long period of time, you are put at a higher risk for heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Stress can also affect your appearance, causing you to have more acne, hair loss, or premature signs of aging.

Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to deal with stress effectively. Consider taking up a new hobby. This could be a sport, an instrument, or some form of visual or literary art, just something to keep your mind active and engaged so that it isn’t snowballing with worry. If hobbies don’t work, then consider starting a journal to get all of your troubling thoughts out, or contact a therapist to help you talk through the things that you’re stressed about. Any step you take toward dealing with your stress is a step toward bettering your health.